Many contracts require your vendors and contractors maintain certain types and amounts of insurance while doing business with your organization. Often these contractual requirements may include or specify
- How evidence of insurance is to be submitted; the financial security of the insurer;
- Whether your organization is to be named an additional insured and/or loss payee;
- Financial or claims-paying ability ratings of the insurer (e.g. A.M. Best ratings);
- Whether coverage is to be on an occurrence or claims-made basis;
- Whether the insurer is admitted to do business in your state;
- and MORE!
When provided with a copy of the contract and evidence of insurance presented by the contractor or vendor, we will evaluate, based on the submitted information, whether evidence of insurance submitted by the vendor/contractor appears to be compliant with your contractual requirements. When necessary and/or requested, we will contact the vendor/contractor’s insurance agent directly, when possible, to help resolve any deficiencies.